Owners Alec & Tully met whilst working together in their ‘normal’ full time job in 2018. Since then, no work got done as the conversations was always about craft beer. Whether they were drinking it, comparing it or critiquing it…the dreaded words of “We should start a brewery” was always mentioned. Tully is the one that spends his time creating and brewing the beer in his own purpose built “Brew Room”. Alec is the one who happily samples them to excess and offers ‘constructive’ feedback. Alec is the good looking one.
“At 22 paces, we believe you should never be more than 22 steps away from your nearest beer. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration. But next time you grab a beer from your beloved fridge....count your steps. For me...it was 22 paces. And the words of "22 paces anyone?" became an ingrained catch-cry in our household – ‘Tully – Brewer/Owner’